Hybrid Evolution & Great Attrition addressed in a data-informed way - webinar series
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Hybrid Evolution & Great Attrition addressed in a data-informed way - webinar series

We are starting a series of 6 webinars dedicated to HR, organization development, and work tech decision makers from IT companies.  


Date: 28/01/2022, 3pm-4pm CET | Challenge#1 - Planning team’s work from home & office

How are companies planning the hybrid work? What are the best practices? What's the most challenging? How can data help?


Date: 11/02/2022, 3pm-4pm CET | Challenge#2 - Mitigating team’s collaboration overload

How big is the problem of too many meetings & work interruptions? How does it impact the burnout, well-being, absenteeism, and attrition? What can be done to mitigate the workload in an evidence-based way?


Date: 25/02/2022, 3pm-4pm CET | Challenge#3 - Improving team’s deep work quality

How important is the deep worktime for well-being and productivity? What are the best practices? How to calculate the impact of data-informed feedback about this work habit?


Date: 11/03/2022, 3pm-4pm CET | Challenge#4 - Increasing team’s collaborative learning

What is the value of peer-to-peer learning for knowledge-based companies? How can it be harmed by the hybrid? How is it linked with attrition and innovativeness? What evidence-based solutions can be applied?


Date: 25/03/2022, 3pm-4pm CET | Challenge#5 - Boosting team’s bonding

How are team rituals connected to well-being and productivity? Which practices are best? How can they be improved with data?  


Date: 8/04/2022, 3pm-4pm CET | Challenge#6 - Bettering team’s work-life harmony

How is work-life harmony impacting burnout, absenteeism, and attrition? Why are data a good trigger for the change of habits?  

The webinar will be led by:

Dorota Piotrowska – Network Perspective Advisory Board – HR Digital Product Strategy

A passionate People and Organisation Development and Future of Work Practitioner with over 15 years of experience in senior and executive people management functions.

Anita Zbieg – Network Perspective CEO and Co-Founder

A scientist working on People Analytics area for more than 10 years. She’s done PhD in economics and psychology, applying ONA (Organizational Network Analysis) in organizational design.

For each of the six events we invite interesting guests with experience in the tech industry who will share with you their experiences and good practices.

Follow our Linkedin profile, sign up for the first event and stay tuned! 😎📢

January 25, 2022

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