Our speech at AgileByExample 2022 Conference
People Leader | Agile Coach | Scrum Master

Our speech at AgileByExample 2022 Conference

Our knowledge of hybrid and remote teams is still a greenfield compared to research on teams working in one location.

🔘 What factors should wepay attention to?

🔘 How to create apractical model of hybrid work?

We operate according to the principle "you can manage, what you are aware of".

Anita and Iza shared the knowledge about metrics & benchmarks built on 20K observations of how remote and hybrid teams work. Based on intuitive data visualisation, hints from high performing tech teams, and solid ethics upfront.

They presented the model of work habits that boost team's collaboration, performance & well-being, including work patterns, teamwork, cross/team routines, meeting time and quality, focus time and work-life harmony.

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September 28, 2022

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